Content includes educational materials, fundraising ideas, tips on gaining community support and overall recommendations for bringing synthetic turf to one's school and community.

STC creates Funding Strategies Toolkit for athletic directors

Recognizing that raising funds for synthetic turf fields has become more challenging in light of the economic conditions of the past few years, the Synthetic Turf Council has created a new Funding Strategies Toolkit for prospective buyers.  The packet is available as a free download at

“We’ve spoken to numerous athletic directors, booster clubs, coaches and administrators nationwide who passionately want to bring a synthetic turf field to their school but lack the financial means,” explained Rick Doyle, President of the Synthetic Turf Council. “This kit helps individuals learn how to raise funds, build a planning committee and much more.”

Whether you’re at the early stages of field approval, or ready to hire an experienced design professional or consultant, STC’s Funding Strategies Toolkit  features easy-to-follow steps. Content includes educational materials, fundraising ideas, tips on gaining community support and overall recommendations for bringing synthetic turf to one’s school and community. The packet also contains a customizable PowerPoint template that users can leverage to gain buy-in from local school boards and other community influencers.