Mountain View Seeds and Landmark Seed Company hosted field days in Oregon June 20 and 21. The events provided attendees with a better understanding of the companies’ varieties and products, as well as the seed industry.
The Mountain View Seeds 2023 Turf and Forage Field Day was held June 20 at Peak Plant Genetics (PPG) in Albany, Oregon. The Turf portion featured presentations by Dr. Stacy Bonos, Rutgers University, and Dr. Gregg Munshaw, PARC Research Consulting.

Attendees were then treated to a turf field tour highlighting perennial ryegrass, retail mixes, plant breeding, fine fescue, tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and bentgrass.
Lunchtime guest speaker sessions were presented by Adam Thoms, Ph.D., Iowa State University, and Kyley Dickson, Ph.D., A-LIST and the University of Tennessee.
The PPG portion of the field day was followed by a tour of MVS facilities and Pratum processing in Salem, Oregon.
The Landmark Seed Company field day was held June 21, and began with a tour of the Pratum seed cleaning facility followed by education and tours at PPG.
Jason Miller of Hi Mark Farms outlined the complexities of producing super elite bluegrasses; Spencer Mendenhall of Raft River Sod Farm presented Growing HD Sports 2.0; Dan Farnes, Real Salt Lake, discussed Managing HD Sports 2.0; and Munshaw outlined trials related to Landmark/Consulting. Lunch was followed by plot tours and a presentation by Dickson.
Attendees took part in field tours of Spectrum creeping bentgrass and perennial ryegrass, and were then treated to wine tasting and dinner at LaChouette Vineyard wine tasting.