TURFLYNX wants to make a future of mobile robots and information-based solutions for field keeping activities a reality today. We brought to market the first fully autonomous golf course fairway mower.
TURFLYNX’s vision of a mobile-robot and information-based future has resulted in our first product: the F315 autonomous triplex fairway mower.
We currently work hard in the development and marketing of robotic solutions for golf courses and sports fields using mobile robotics technology.
TURFLYNX developed the first autonomous and driverless fairway mower available on the market. A solution tailored to be cost-effective, autonomous, silent and environmentally friendly, with a special focus in reducing the maintenance costs on Golf Courses, addressing the needs of Managers and Greenkeepers, but also guided towards the improvement of the environment and to higher quality standards of the playable area.
Please check the following links with information:
- https://youtu.be/NjgoCQS7Xfs – Youtube video of the F315, The First Driverless Fairway Mower
- https://goo.gl/iuEnvT – Case Study pdf file, with a research done based on a Central Europe scenario
- https://goo.gl/z3O5mY – F300-series pdf file, with information regarding to the main benefits and features of the machine