More than 100 STMA members from Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC attended the Virginia STMA Fall Symposium at the University of Virginia’s Bryant Hall in Scott Stadium earlier this month.
One featured speaker was Nicole McFadyen, Baltimore Orioles Head Groundskeeper, who had some interesting takeaways:
· Camden Yards field is sand-based and 100 percent Kentucky bluegrass
· Nicole discussed dealing with extreme summer temperatures where in-field and outfield turf reaches 110 degrees
· Camden Yards has 3,000 square feet of sod past center field wall, used to repair spots throughout the season
· Doesn’t spray any herbicides on the field
Mike Skelton, VSTMA President and Head Superintendent for Culpeper County Parks and Recreation, who manages 27 acres and 3800 events per year with only one other full-time employee, recognized 2013 STMA Schools/Parks Baseball Field of the Year winners Michael Hopkins and Mark Roberts from The Steward School, Richmond, VA.
“The main goal of our semi-annual symposium is to educate STMA members so they know how to best manage high demands and excessive activities throughout the year. It is an opportunity for members to interact, share best practices and meet others in the industry,” Skelton said.
“It is a huge honor to win the national Field of the Year award and something I’ve been wanting to accomplish for several years. At our private school, I’ve been able to expose students to sports turf management and teach them about the opportunities in this industry to stay close to sports once their career is complete. I’m been blessed to have a beautiful field, facility and very supportive coaching staff and athletic director,” Roberts said.
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Thanks to Glenn Gray of Buffalo Communications for this report.