Collectively, turf managers refer to the Midwest species common blue violet, wooly blue violet, and confederate violet all as wild violet. Wild violets are a persistent, perennial, and difficult-to-control broadleaf weed. Wild vioelts are typically found in shady areas with moist soil but they can also grow in sunny, droughty areas.

Blog from Purdue on wild violets

Collectively, turf managers refer to the Midwest species common blue violet (Viola sororia), wooly blue violet (Viola papilionacea), and confederate violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) all as wild violet. Additionally, yellow violet (Viola pubescens) is also found in Indiana. Wild violets are a persistent, perennial, and difficult-to-control broadleaf weed. Wild vioelts are typically found in shady areas with moist soil but they can also grow in sunny, droughty areas.

Read the blog and see photos here