The Sports Turf Managers Association’s Field of the Year Award application is now available! STMA recognizes that you make personal and professional contributions to our industry and to the organization you serve. Therefore, the association distinguishes fields from around the country with the annual “Field of the Year” Program. Through our Field of the Year Program we are able to greatly further one main element of our mission: To gain acknowledgement for the professionalism of our members.
This year, based on the results of the judging, the following awards will be presented at the STMA Annual Awards Banquet, Friday, Jan. 24, 2014, in San Antonio, Texas. In addition to being featured in SportsTurf Magazine winning fields will also receive:
A plaque recognizing the field and the Sports Turf Manager
Registration to the STMA Conference
Three nights of lodging, excluding incidentals, at the STMA Conference
STMA signature apparel for the winning sports turf manager and their crew