Brock Phipps, head groundskeeper for the Springfield (MO) Cardinals and president of the Ozarks STMA chapter, is asking members of the sports turf industry to help replace destroyed tools and supplies for Joplin High School.

Tornado-devastated high school field needs equipment, supplies

Brock Phipps, head groundskeeper for the Springfield (MO) Cardinals and president of the Ozarks STMA chapter, is asking members of the sports turf industry to help replace destroyed tools and supplies for Joplin High School.

“Today I represented the Ozarks Sports Turf Chapter and traveled to Joplin and united with Joplin High School Administrators and the coach of the Joplin Eagles baseball team,” Phipps said last week. “We met at the baseball field, which was constructed by FEMA this past fall and is a considerable distance from the temporary high school. This facility will be home to the baseball team for several years until the permanent field is constructed at the high school facility. The high school damaged from the tornado has yet to be demolished.

“As most of you know the Joplin area was devastated by a deadly tornado last year and is still in the rebuilding process. All of the equipment, tools and field materials were severely damaged or simply not existing. The field tarp that was stored on a tube is nowhere to be found, along with many other items. 

“Kirk Harryman who is the baseball coach would like to start practice February the 27 and the first home game would be March 16. There are several concerns with the field that need to be addressed before practice can take place. The safety and playability are major uncertainties that should be corrected before players are allowed to practice.

“Dormant bermuda sod was laid and has been lightly overseeded with ryegrass. Around the skirt of the field from dugout to dugout was seeded with cool season seed and has a very poor stand. There are seems in the sod that could be a major concern. The field does have a nice crown, which will allow for natural drainage. There are no bullpen areas on either side and both the mound and homeplate areas need some professional care to meet regulations and standards. The area in left field holds water due to drainage off of the softball field, which is positioned above the baseball field. There is also an embankment around the field, which naturally runs down onto the playing surface. This looks like it could be corrected with sub surface drainage around the parts of the perimeter of left field. There is no irrigation installed to properly manage the turf and also the skin area.

“With this being said I would like to challenge us as an organization with the tasks ahead for the Joplin Eagles. It would be very beneficial for us to have a workday at the facility in the very near future. I would also challenge our vendors and suppliers to come together and donate any items that are needed. There will be a list of items and materials that are needed to complete several jobs and to make this something that the young men of Joplin would be honored to call there Home Field. Remember, we do help make memories!

“Derek Edwards was also present at the meeting and can answer any questions. Please contact the following with any questions or how you and your company may assist the Joplin Eagle Baseball facility.”

For a list of needed equipment and supplies, contact:

Brock Phipps        


Derek Edwards


Michael Moyer
