The North and South Carolina chapters of the Sports Turf Managers Association will host the second annual NC/SC STMA conference and trade show, an education, networking, community service and golf event, from November 15-17, 2010 in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Registration is open to all sports field managers and crew members. Registration fees, a calendar of events, information about speakers, and details on accommodations can be found online at or . Lodging information on the conference hotel, the Caravelle Resort, 6900 North Ocean Boulevard, is available at or (800) 796-8238.
The three-day event will offer on the field maintenance training including soil sampling and spreader/sprayer calibration, the Carolinas GCSA trade show and STMA educational sessions featuring a panel discussion on field traffic tolerance plus presentations by Dr. Bert McCarty from Clemson, Dr. Grady Miller from NC State University, and Bob Campbell from the Univ. of Tennessee at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. A golf outing at the Man O’ War is optional, with a separate fee. The Certified Sports Field Manager exam is offered for those prequalified through the STMA.
For further information contact Bruce Suddeth, director of Landscape Services at the University of South Carolina Upstate and past-president of the SCSTMA at 864-503-5514, or Tommy Walston, Sports Turf Manager at East Carolina University and current President of NCSTMA, 252-737-2262 or