For the first time, The SAFE Foundation, STMA’s philanthropic arm, will award the Terry Mellor Continuing Education Grant, sponsored by Turface Athletics. This $1,000 grant is intended to fund a portion of the winner’s attendance at the STMA Conference in January. All members of an STMA affiliated chapter are eligible to win, and must be nominated through a letter of recommendation by a National STMA Member.
The deadline to apply for the Terry Mellor Continuing Education Grant will be November 15. STMA will provide a complimentary conference registration to the winner, and the winner will be recognized at the association’s annual Awards Banquet held at the conference on Jan. 15, 2010.
Terry, the brother of Red Sox Director of Grounds David Mellor, died of a massive heart attack at the age of 43. He was very involved in his community and was named volunteer of the year for the state of Wisconsin for the Special Olympics. He was a strong supporter of continuing education and this grant honors his passion.
The STMA scholarship Committee, who judges the SAFE Scholarship winners each year, will be involved in the selection of this grant’s winner. More specific application criteria and the selection process are still being refined, so check back in November’s News Online for more details.