Featuring practical tools for implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in turfgrass, the 11th Annual PACE Turfgrass Research Seminar will be held 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., June 20 at the Bahia Resort Hotel in San Diego. This year’s topics include the impact of recycled water on IPM programs, anthracnose management, the pros and cons of pesticide-free turf, a primer on nematodes and their role in turf health, an update on best management practices for turf, and a pest management roundup that presents the newest information available on products and practices for improved IPM programs. Seven CEUs and 0.70 GCSAA education points have been applied for. Online registration is available at www.paceturf.org or by calling 858-272-9897. Registration for the meeting is $150 if reserved prior to June 15. Registration at the door is $190.
Drs. Wendy Gelernter and Larry Stowell, research directors of PACE, are featured speakers with four guest presenters: Dr. Jim Baird, University of California, Riverside; Dr. Mike McClure, University of Arizona; Dr. Terry Vassey, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; and Dr. Frank Wong, University of California, Riverside.
Registration fees include educational materials, parking, continental breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks.