SFMA Innovative Awards Turf-Tec

SFMA Innovative Award winners

Congratulations to Turf Tec International, STEC Equipment, Inc. and SGL Inc. for being named this year’s SFMA Innovative Award Winners. This prestigious award is given to one or more exhibitors whose innovation has made the sports field manager more effective or the playing surface safer. The winning products were as follows:

Mascaro Infill and Cleat Depth Tester from Turf-Tec International

Innovative awards Turf-Tec

From Turf-Tec International, the Mascaro Infill and Cleat Depth Tester is designed as a testing instrument that will measure infill depth on synthetic turf, as well as cleat depth penetration on synthetic turf and natural grass or any other surface where cleats are being worn by athletes.

Measuring infill on synthetic turf is an important process to prolong the life and playability of the turf. It also ensures the playability of the surface reaches the optimum performance specifications.

Measuring cleat depth will determine how the athletes may perform on the area by measuring how the (athletes) cleats will penetrate the surface of the area being tested.

The unit uses Bluetooth technology and, by utilizing the free version of the SpecConnect App, you can record the readings in the app as you test. By subscribing to the paid version of SpecConnect, you can also GPS map the area you are testing.

For testing infill depth on synthetic turf, simply install the infill depth foot, place the unit on the area to be tested, press down on the handle and the unit will display and record the infill depth in 100th of an inch increments.

For testing cleat depth, install the cleat depth foot, raise the center shaft up until it hits the stop, and drop the shaft. The unit will display and record the cleat depth reading in 100th of an inch increments.

Turf-Tec MICDT

GKB Leaf Reducer from STEC Equipment, Inc.

SFMA Innovative Awards STEC

The GKB Leaf Reducer from STEC Equipment, Inc. converts leaf waste into a soil improver.

The Leaf Reducer’s blades collect the leaves, and a vacuum effect pulls them through the machine. The leaves are pulverized into a fraction of the original size. This process breaks down the leaves so that they are more easily absorbed into the soil. The method can be used in urban areas, parks, lawns and recreational spaces. Advantages of the Leaf Reducer are compost left behind to improve your soils, elimination of the need to dispose of leaves off site or the need to blow and then collect, and less wear and tear on mowers.

The working height is adjustable, so that it can be used in a variety of grass heights. The outflow is determined with the hydraulically driven disc unit behind the machine. The outflow can be regulated from the tractor seat and allows you to discharge the mulch to the left, right or center.


The SGL LED440 is the first LED lighting system for growing sports grass on a 4,700-square-foot surface in a sustainable way. In the absence of sufficient natural sunlight, the LED440 allows the field manager to provide a large area of the playing surface with the necessary light and heat, enhancing grass growth after a training session, game or concert. Therefore, the field manager is no longer dependent on weather conditions, but can utilize the LED440 grow lighting system to create the perfect grass-growing conditions himself, guaranteeing a high-quality and safe playing surface throughout the year

SFMA Innovative Awards SGL

SGL stated, “It is our mission to lead the way in turfgrass management and provide field managers around the world with sustainable solutions, helping them ensure a high-quality playing surface week after week. We are proud to have won the SFMA 2024 Innovative Award with the LED440 grass grow lighting system and to receive recognition from fellow turfgrass professionals.”

Balance is key when it comes to high-quality grass growth. The right quantity of light and heat is crucial to stimulate photosynthesis, a plant process essential for high-quality growth. The LED440 allows field managers to independently control light and heat radiation. This feature enables operators to precisely align light and heat radiation with the grass’s needs, creating the optimal microclimate for high-quality grass growth in the most effective and energy-efficient manner. With this feature, field managers have control over the microclimate, allowing them to maintain a consistent playing surface despite challenging weather conditions and event schedules.

The LED440 is constructed in-house from high-quality materials and utilizes the latest grow lighting technology available. The LED armatures, infrared fixtures, and smart control system are designed from scratch and based on over a decade of research to ensure unrivalled light and heat uniformity, making the LED440 a futureproof grow lighting solution. The smart control system ensures that the unit is deployed efficiently, empowering data-driven pitch management measures and the careful use of time and resources. The data-driven use of the LED440 not only results in high-quality grass growth in the most energy-efficient way possible but also reinforces the transition toward a sustainable industry.