DHS/FEMA-funded safety and security training courses

The NCS4 is offering seven safety and security courses in a face-to-face format. Each course is designed to be interactive and allow individuals to become more confident in their ability to identify, prevent and manage incidents. The key principles that individuals will learn range from risk management, evacuation messaging, threat prioritization, and communication. Each class is presented in a face-to-face format that requires 8 hours each day for two consecutive days unless otherwise noted. Two of the courses are already full.

You can learn more about each of these courses by visiting the NCS4 website or by clicking on one of the following courses below:

These courses represent a cooperative effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (TEEX/NERRTC), a member of the Texas A&M University System.