The Foundation for Safer Athletic Fields for Everyone (SAFE), the charity of SFMA, held two fundraising events at the SFMA Conference and Exhibition in Salt Lake City.
The inaugural SAFE Indoor Backyard Games and Brunch featured a cornhole tournament. The SAFE cornhole tournament title sponsor was GameOnGrass (a product of Carolina Green Corp.), the drink sponsor was Sunbelt Rentals, and the miniature golf sponsor was Little League. The cornhole tournament winning team was Billy Ellinger and Jackson Price.
The SAFE Night of Bowling was held at All Star Bowling and Entertainment in Draper, Utah. The event was sponsored by Diamond Pro and Tri-Tex Grass. The top winner was Alpha Jones with a score of 182, and the winning team was Mike Kuhn, Jake Schwan, Michael Klakulak, Daniel Peer and Maritza Martinez with a score of 608.