The BTD-200 lightning warning system is a complete detection and warning system developed from the Biral range of professional aviation-grade lightning detection systems. Its proven detection technology reliably detects the presence of all forms of lightning out to a range of 22 miles from the sensor. Designed to be quickly and easily installed, it comes complete with a universal mains voltage power supply and the essential PC server application Lightning Works for monitoring, warning and data logging of approaching thunderstorms.
The BTD-200 makes quasi-electrostatic measurements to avoid the problems of false alarms and mechanical failures associated with the detection of lightning using radio wave and field-mill based sensors. Most importantly, it is able to issue warning of potential overhead lightning before the first strike. Such early warning is not possible using radio-based detection.
In many applications the lightning warning system is used to help protect people and equipment from the dangers of a lightning strike by providing advanced warning of a storm’s approach. This is all the more important in areas where large numbers of people are outdoors across a wide area enjoying a leisure activity.
The advanced detection principle of the BTD-200 enables it to monitor the strength of the local electric field and the presence of charged precipitation, both of which are strong indicators of lightning risk. This allows the BTD-200 to provide warnings of the risk of an overhead strike even before any lightning has been produced. This advanced warning can be up to 20 minutes before the lightning begins, giving more than enough time to alert staff, members, teams and the public to the risks of remaining outdoors.
The BTD-200 lightning warning system is a modular system that is designed to operate out-of-the-box, but is also expandable as requirements grow or change. The essential system comprises of a lightning detector which is placed outside, while a PC located indoors runs the supplied Lightning Works software. The system includes a universal mains power supply and (optionally) the cabling to connect to the power and the host PC. The BTD-200 can be connected directly to an appropriately sized warning sounder if required.