Turfgrass Producers International (TPI) is gearing up for its annual International Education Conference & Field Day for 2022 (San Diego, Calif., Feb. 14-17, 2022).
Attendees will enjoy new experiences, such as a Food Truck Rodeo at Field Day, and old favorites, including the Show and Tell panels from the newest TPI Board Members.
The 2022 conference package includes:
- Access to All Educational Sessions including an Opening Workshop, Sod Farm Panel on Labor, and Sod Checkoff Q&A
- President’s Welcome Reception
- Tuesday Kickoff Breakfast
- Tuesday Lunch
- Taco Tuesday in the Exhibit Hall
- Tuesday Drink Ticket provided by Magnum
- Field Day Registration & Transportation provided by Sod Solutions, Lunch sponsored by Brouwer Kesmac
- Wednesday Women in Turf Reception sponsored by Turf Producers Association, Barenbrug, and Brouwer Kesmac
- Thursday Inspirational Breakfast with Sarah Frey
- Sarah Frey Book Signing of The Growing Season
- Thursday Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
For more information, visit https://www.turfgrasssod.org/events/conference2022/