The New England Sports Turf Managers Association (NESTMA) announced its Winter Dinner Meeting. This meeting will serve as NESTMA’s Annual Meeting. Election results and plans for the coming year will be announced.
The NESTMA Winter Dinner Meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, at Ken’s Steak House, Framingham, Mass. It will feature a presentation by James Brosnan, Ph.D., titled “Know Your Audience: Strategies for Discussing Pest Management.”
Public pressure regarding pesticide use has increased to the extent that many athletic field managers are now prohibited from using pesticides all together. Many professionals feel comfortable talking about the merits of pesticide use with colleagues but fall short when discussing the topic with those outside the green industry. Dr. Brosnan will share effective ways to confidently communicate the benefits of pesticide use with your facility’s decision-makers, stakeholders, and the general public.
Dr. Brosnan is a professor in the Plant Sciences Department at the University of Tennessee (UT) and Director of the UT Weed Diagnostics Center. His research focuses on controlling unique and problematic turfgrass weeds, particularly phenotypes with resistance to herbicides.
For more information about the NESTMA Winter Dinner Meeting, click here.