The Dr. James R. Watson Legacy Scholarship Program, funded by The Toro Giving Program, is a special, one-time scholarship being given in celebration of The Toro Company's Centennial, which is in July. The scholarship honors long-time Toro agronomist, Dr. James Watson.

Special one-time scholarship available

The Dr. James R. Watson Legacy Scholarship Program, funded by The Toro Giving Program is a special, one-time scholarship being given in celebration of The Toro Company’s Centennial, which is in July. The scholarship honors long-time Toro agronomist, Dr. James Watson, who passed away Oct. 1, 2013.

Three $2,000 scholarships will be awarded through the SAFE Foundation, STMA’s charity, to deserving collegiate students who have at least one semester of education to complete before graduating. The scholarships will be awarded to students who will attain a degree in sports turf management or comparable field of study from a two-year, a four-year or a graduate program. Previous winners of a scholarship through SAFE are eligible to apply and applicants must be 21 years of age.

The application can be downloaded here, and the deadline to receive all applications is April 4. Students will be notified if they have won by April 30. In addition to the cash award, students will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the Toro Sports Fields and Grounds Forum, being held July 28-31, 2014 in Minneapolis.