An historic Division II conference with over a century of tradition has teamed up with AstroTurf, the pioneers of the synthetic turf industry and purveyors of a new 10-year warranty program, announced that they have signed on to become the Official Synthetic Turf Provider of the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association, which celebrated its centennial 2 years ago.
“We are honored to have AstroTurf on board as a corporate partner,” saidDr. Bob Boerigter, Commissioner of the MIAA. “Obviously they are one of themost well-known brand names in all of sports. But it’s also their tradition ofexcellence and an unrivaled commitment to innovation, safety, and quality thatmake them an ideal fit as the MIAA’s Official Synthetic Turf Provider.”
Founded in 1912, the MIAA is one of the top Division II conferences in thenation with fourteen member schools spanning four states in the MidwesternUnited States. Across nineteen championship sports, the league claims nine NCAAteam championships in the last five years, including three titles in 2013.Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association members include theUniversity of Central Missouri, the University of Central Oklahoma, EmporiaState University, Fort Hays State University, Lincoln University, LindenwoodUniversity, Missouri Southern State University, Missouri Western StateUniversity, the University of Nebraska Kearney, Northeastern State University,Northwest Missouri State University, Pittsburgh State University, SouthwestBaptist University and Washburn University.
Founded in 1965, AstroTurf originated the synthetic turf industry and has spentthe last fifty years developing new technologies and inventive designs to pushthe envelope of the artificial turf trade. Today AstroTurf offers a productline of dozens of customizable synthetic playing surfaces engineered for topflight performance and safety with sport-specific playability. The company’slatest market innovation is an unprecedented ten year warranty program known as3D DECADE, demonstrating the company’s seamless integration of industrypioneering and time-tested quality. Although a globally recognized brand whichcan claim installed fields on all four corners of the earth, AstroTurf remainsa family-owned American company that maintains both its corporate headquartersand its manufacturing facilities in Dalton, Georgia.
“We are excited to partner with the Mid-America Intercollegiate AthleticsAssociation,” said Bryan Peeples, President of AstroTurf. “It’s a greatopportunity for AstroTurf to help promote the values of higher education andathletic competition, and it reflects well on our company that such an estimablecollection of schools think well enough of our product to make us theirOfficial Synthetic Turf Provider.”
Originally known as the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletics Association, theMIAA changed its name – but kept the acronym – in 1992 to reflect its growth inmembership beyond the state lines. Current membership includes schools inMissouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Kansas. The highly competitive conference hasseen three of its member institutions accepted to the Division I level in thelast twenty-five years, and can boast 186 individual national champions in thelast fifty years.