While it seems like a chore at this time of year but mowing the lawn has actually been found to be relaxing and can improve mental health. Whether it’s the sound of the lawn mower, the smell of the fresh cut grass or the look of a freshly mowed lawn, research shows mowing has some real perks.
“My friends joke with me because Yankee Candle produces a candle that’s called lawn mower and it’s the air freshener in my vehicle so I do like it. I enjoy it enough that I want to have an air freshener that smells like a lawn,” Kansas State University Turf Specialist Jared Hoyle said.
Hoyle said mowing is a chance to get away from the office, turn off your cellphone and just have some time to think—but there’s more. Researchers from the University of Queensland Brisbane discovered that a chemical released from a mowed lawn actually makes people feel happy and relaxed.
There is even a scent available called “Eau de Mow” with the same calming effects. However, while you’re out relieving some stress, keep in mind that you can put stress on your lawn if you get carried away and cut it too short.