New data from our 2011 Kentucky bluegrass trial can now be found on our web site in table form or in pdf format. First year data typically is a strong reflection of establishment rate, with the amount of data on diseases and other stresses being limited. This of course, will change over the five year trial period. A new change this year to some data summaries, is the use of a Location Performance Index, along with data analyzed regionally and by management level. New trials will use this format as well.
New data from perennial ryegrass, particularly for diseases and traffic tolerance can be found here. We have additional data on drought tolerance and overseeding with perennial ryegrass that is still be analyzed. That data will be added to the site as it is processed.
We also recently added 2012 data from our 2008 Bentgrass Fairway/Tee trial. 2013 is the final year of data collection for our putting green and fineleaf fescue trials, with new versions of these trials starting in fall 2014. In the meantime, look for data from the bentgrass putting green and fineleaf fescue trials in the coming weeks.
New bermuda and zoysia trials have been organized and shipped to cooperators for planting
Our newest version of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass trials were sent to cooperators June 10-11 and June 17-18, respectively. These two trials consist of 52 total vegetative entries (along with 18 seeded entries in the bermuda trial). Vegetative entries are much more time consuming to handle and costly to ship with 40-50 sq. ft. of plant material (in plug trays) required for each entry. These entries, coupled with the USGA putting green trial (see below), required us to assemble, keep in our 2500 sq. ft. of greenhouse space for several weeks, and then ship to cooperators almost 450 boxes of 25-35 lbs. each. Fedex made out but got tired of seeing us as well!
Entry and sponsor lists for the bermuda and zoysia trials are finalized, along with the bermuda and zoysia cooperator lists.
Trials have been planted at many locations, and below is the bermuda trial, one day after planting at College Park, MD.
Note the vegetative entries (planted as plugs) as well as bare plots established with seeded entries. Establishment data will primarily be collected in 2013, with more detailed data collection commencing in 2014. With so many new entries, the future for these warm-season grasses is very bright.