The 2,200-square-foot laboratory allows for the six full-time employees to fully inspect all raw materials and finished products due to the larger space and more sophisticated equipment.

Profile Products moves into new research lab

PROFILE Products LLC recently moved into a new research laboratory at its manufacturing plant in Conover, N.C.

“At Profile, we are constantly seeking ways to bring the best solutions forward for our customers’ environments,” said John Schoch, president and CEO of Profile Products. “This larger, better-equipped laboratory ensures we’ll have a continued focus on product quality and innovation for a long time to come.”

The 2,200 square-foot laboratory, which opened this summer, allows for the six full-time employees to fully inspect all raw materials and finished products due to the larger space and more sophisticated equipment. The new lab equipment further supports Profile’s objective to help standardize the industry’s product testing practices via ASTM testing standards.

Notably, the lab now has a stereo microscope and a compound microscope enabling the staff to take high-resolution images of material being used in various products.

“These cameras allow us to see exactly what each component of a product is doing at a level invisible to the human eye,” Schoch said. “They are remarkable pieces of equipment that allow us to more fully understand how products perform and what we can do to make them perform even better. Ultimately this will benefit the industry and our customers.”

Numerous other pieces of equipment have been updated or added to this state-of-the-art laboratory which will benefit Profile’s research efforts. In addition, the new laboratory will be used for customer and employee training.

“We view this as more than just a new research lab for Profile,” Schoch said. “It is a signal to the industry that Profile is intent on remaining the industry leader, improving erosion control solutions technology and producing the best products on the market for our customers’ benefit.”