The seemingly endless turf war between supporters and opponents of installing synthetic fields and lights at Golden Gate Park's Beach Chalet soccer fields is headed to court. Turf opponents, worried about the environmental effects of replacing the four grass soccer fields with an artificial surface, have been shot down at the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Recreation and Park Commission and the Board of Appeals.

Golden Gate Park synthetic fight goes to court

The seemingly endless turf war between supporters and opponents of installing synthetic fields and lights at Golden Gate Park’s Beach Chalet soccer fields is headed to court. Turf opponents, worried about the environmental effects of replacing the four grass soccer fields with an artificial surface, have been shot down at the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Recreation and Park Commission and the Board of Appeals. The lawsuit filed Oct. 12 charges that the certified environmental impact report is legally inadequate because it failed to disclose the health risks of the chemicals used in the turf and didn’t fully consider alternative solutions.

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