STMA and the Plant Management Network have finalized a partnership to offer PMN resources to all STMA members - as a benefit of STMA membership with no additional cost.

STMA members now have free access to Plant Management Network

STMA and the Plant Management Network (PMN) have finalized a partnership to offer PMN resources to all STMA members – as a benefit of STMA membership with no additional cost! To access PMN, log into STMA members only and click on the left gray tab, Plant Management Network. There you will find your login information.

PMN has many turf and turf-related resources. One of its gems is Applied Turfgrass Research, which is applied, peer reviewed research that can help STMA members with its field management practices and decision-making. Additional resources include a plant image database, plant disease reports, plant science database and much more.

PMN has an exclusive feature — it will email an alert when new information is added to PMN! To take advantage of this feature, send an email to, include STMA Subscription in the Subject Line and your first and last name in the body of the email.