Protect fresh water resources at home by properly disposing of spring yard waste via grasscycling. Grasscycling, the practice of leaving the grass clippings on the lawn while mowing, produces numerous benefits. Because grass is mostly water and nitrogen, grass clippings decompose quickly, returning nutrients back to the lawn. This results in greener, healthier grass.
In addition, grasscycling aids in keeping chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides and insecticides on the lawn to do their intended job. It also saves money by reducing gas consumption, lawn bags and fertilizer. By returning clippings to the lawn regularly, you can reduce fertilizer use by one application per season. With no clippings to bag, less frequent stopping and starting of the lawnmower saves gas and mowing time, and reduces air pollution.
Take care when using a side discharge mower. If clippings are left on driveways, sidewalks or other impervious surfaces, they can end up in surface water or drains. These clips will add nutrients to surface water and increase the growth of algae and other aquatic plants that can deplete oxygen in surface waters.
Proper waste disposal will save you energy, time and money while returning valuable nutrients back into your lawns and garden.-from Michigan State University Extension.