Stay up to speed on industry news and solutions via @FMCturf from FMC Professional Solutions. Follow @FMCturf on Twitter to get valuable business tips, learn about FMC promotions, and keep up with industry buzz. FMC created the Twitter handle to keep turf management professionals informed about best management practices and solutions, as well as answer questions on industry and technical topics. FMC also wants to hear about turf issues and problems you face on a daily basis. Tweet your questions or comments to @FMCturf.
“Twitter is an excellent way for FMC to reach and engage with our customers with up-to-the minute solutions and important updates,” said Adam Manwarren, turf product manager for FMC Professional Solutions. “More turf managers are embracing Twitter each day. It’s one of the best resources for staying up-to-date with turf industry issues.” Visit and begin following @FMCturf today!