With the ever-increasing concern over athlete safety, knowledge of sports field hardness is critical to field managers and administrators.

Turf Diagnostics expands service

With the ever increasing concern over athlete safety, knowledge of sports field hardness is critical to field managers and administrators. 

Gmax testing is the industry standard for sports field surface hardness evaluations, and Turf Diagnostics is the leading provider of Gmax testing. Our field hardness evaluations include shock absorption properties, head injury criterion, and other crucial field assessment information.

To improve service to clients in Texas and Colorado, Turf Diagnostics has signed service agreements with leading providers of turf products and services. 

Turf Materials Inc will represent our Gmax field hardness testing services throughout the state of Texas. 

G and S Solutions will represent our Gmax field hardness testing services throughout the state of Colorado. 

Turf Materials and G and S Solutions will be client liaisons, providing customer service and support before and after testing.

Proactive field managers and administrators in Colorado and Texas can schedule Gmax testing or find out more about Turf Diagnostics’ field evaluation services by contacting G&S Solutions at 970-284-6030 or Turf Materials at 972-412-3425. If you are outside of these states please contact our world headquarters at 913-723-3700.