Texas STMA board member, Bob Marcotte and crew, in the spirit of service typical of the STMA and A & M University, conducted a training seminar Wednesday afternoon September 30, 2009 at Henderson Park in Bryan on the process of painting football fields for leaders of the Bryan Buccaneers Pop Warner League. Bob is the Athletic Field Maintenance Manager for Texas A & M’s Recreational Sports Department at the Penberthy Intramural Sports Center. Assisting him were volunteers Justin Hale and Chris Prewitt, A & M student workers at Penberthy, and Joshua Morales, a sports management major at A & M. The Buccaneers were represented by Joe Menares, President, along with Kyle Rock, Nick Damon Sr. and Nick Damon, Jr. volunteers. As he watched the first field unfold, Joe was heard to exclaim “It’s a real football field!”. On Thursday afternoon Joe and his assistants then completed two more fields on their own and were really excited about how professional the field painting looked as they were prepared for the Buccaneer’s home stand on Saturday October 3rd against the rest of the Brazos Valley Pop Warner Little Scholars Football League. They are scheduled to host again on October 24th. Paint for the event was supplied by John Deere Landscapes and paint for the rest of the year was supplied by Pioneer MFG.