The American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) is developing a certification program that will designate the credential Certified Field Builder, and STMA is co-sponsoring the program. The Synthetic Turf Council is also a co-sponsor.
ASBA’s Certification Advisory Committee has been meeting regularly and two representatives from STMA have joined the Advisory Committee to provide technical review and other input. Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc. (AMP) is working with ASBA and the Committee to develop the program. AMP was involved in ASBA’s Certified Tennis Court Builder and Certified Track Builder certification programs. The first exam for field builders is scheduled to be offered in December at the ASBA Technical Meeting in Savannah, Georgia. Candidates for the exam will have the option to become certified in both natural and synthetic turf or apply for separate designations in either natural or synthetic turf. STMA members will be able to take the certification exam at the ASBA member rate.
A subcommittee of STMA’s Information Outreach Committee has been providing technical expertise to ASBA for the development of their manual, Sports Fields; A Construction and Maintenance Manual , which will be a study resource for those pursuing the field builder certification.