The 2009 Turfgrass Research Field Day is August 12-next Wednesday.

Register now for OSU Turfgrass Science Field Day

The 2009 Turfgrass Research Field Day is August 12th – next Wednesday! Come along and find out what’s new in turfgrass research and how the turfgrass science team at The Ohio State University has been working to find both solutions for current problems and the latest innovative approaches to turfgrass management.

GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT research topics in the morning (9am-Noon) will include:

* Tenacity Herbicide Studies

* Turfgrass Ant Control

* Summer Disease & Control Trials

* Changes in Turfgrass Morphology Caused by Fungicides & Shade

* Shade Tolerance & Growth Regulators

* Genetic Studies of Dollar Spot Disease

Afternoon Topics (1-2pm):

* Using Systemic Insecticides for Ornamental Insect Control (Cat. 6A, 1 Hr.)

* Managing the Top 10 Tree & Shrub Diseases (Cat 6A, 1 hr.)


Registration Time & Cost: 8.00am at the OTF Research & Education Facility, 2551 Carmack Rd. (off Kenny Rd), Columbus OH 43210. Registration fees include coffee, donuts and lunch.

Pre-registration (on or before August 7th) for OTF members $25, non-members $30. Registration after 8/7/09 for OTF members $35, non-members $40

To Register, visit the OTF Website or call 888-683-3445