Ohio State faculty and industry professionals invite turf managers to attend a sports turf short course February 18-19 at the Holiday Inn on Lane in Columbus. ODA, OPRA, GCSAA and STMA CEUs are offered. Here’s a sample of the sports turf talks:
Weed Control Update for Turf & Ornamentals: Dr. Dave Gardner
Huntington Park ~ The Columbus Clippers’ New Home!: Colin Lattimer, Columbus Clippers
Bermudagrass Athletic Fields in Ohio ~ are they a Viable Option?: Dr. Karl Danneberger
Pest Update ~ The Latest Insecticide Technology and Control Strategies for Nuisance Pests such as Earthworms & Moles: Dr. David Shetlar
WORKSHOP: Ideas for Lines & Logos to make any Field Sparkle: Matt Williams and John Mott
Managing Sports Fields to Prevent Common Turf Diseases: Joe Rimelspach
Pesticide Regulations Update: Joanne Kick-Raack
Improving Drainage on Soil Athletic fields: Ryan Gregoire, Ag Design
Last Minute Winter Work to get those Baseball Fields Ready for Play: Matt Duncan, Head Groundskeeper, Akron Aeros
PANEL: Innovative Turf Management & Cost-Saving Ideas for 2009: Dr. John R. Street, Kenny Nichols, Westerville Schools, Brian Gimbel, OSU Varsity Athletics and James Hlavaty, Cincinnati Bengals
To try and offset some of the financial worries this year, there’s a new low price for the sports turf course. Brochures can be printed off the website: http://Buckeyeturf.osu.edu