SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA—1st Lt. Ian Plummer of the U.S. Marine Corps and 74 of his fellow Marines received a 4th-of-July care package from the associates and friends of Target Specialty Products. Plummer and his unit shipped off for Fallujah in March and are due to return home in November of this year.
The care package included a Hoppe’s BoreSnake gun cleaner, Oakley sunglasses, socks, beef jerky, trail mix and mixed nuts for each Marine.
Target began sending care packages to U.S. servicemen and women in 2006. The first donation was coordinated through a service called My Soldier ( Since then, four other shipments have been distributed to over 200 service men and women representing the U.S. Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy. Target has raised over $13,000 dollars in donations from Target associates, suppliers, customers and friends wishing to show support for the troops. Target matches the donations dollar for dollar.
“We truly appreciate the generosity of individuals and organizations that continue to contribute to our adopt-a-platoon care packages,” stated Target President Lon Records. “When we first started the program, we envisioned it as an internal program, but as customers and suppliers have learned of the care packages, they have asked to be included, and we welcome their contributions.”
Target learned of Plummer’s service through his father, Steven Plummer, a customer, and general manager of Tustin Ranch Golf Club in Tustin, Calif.