STMA’s Conference Education Committee has put together an exciting and informative education program for the 2022 STMA Conference in Savannah, Ga. Each month, speakers presenting at the conference will be featured. Don’t miss the networking and educational opportunities offered this year!
Dr. John Inguagiato and Dr. Joe Roberts
Dr. John Inguagiato is an associate professor at University of Connecticut and Dr. Joe Roberts is an assistant professor and extension specialist, turfgrass pathology and nematology at Clemson University. On Tuesday, January 18, they will be presenting “Addressing Concerns with Synthetic Pesticide Use in Sports Fields.”
Public concern with pesticides has been increasing in recent years. While many are familiar with biological control, concerns of efficacy and costs have hindered widespread adoption. This seminar will provide an in-depth look at research on biological means of pest control along with new methods for understanding how they work.
Attendees will gain:
- Background knowledge in current trends of public opinion and understand key areas where synthetic pesticide laws have been impacted.
- A working knowledge of biological control of turfgrass pests, understanding your options, and how current products work to improve pest defense.
- An understanding of how cultural management practices can impact biological tools.
Thomas Gould
Thomas Gould is a research scientist 1 at Iowa State University. On Monday, January 17, he will be presenting “Navigating the Transition from Undergraduate to Graduate Student.”
This presentation will provide a summative look at current research at Iowa State University, including how sand-based sod is grown in the Midwest. Also addressed will be the challenges of balancing research while staying involved in athletic field management.