As you prepare for winter, the threat of inclement weather can be a challenge no matter the playing surface. The Synthetic Turf Council (STC) provided the following tips for dealing with snow and ice on synthetic turf fields.
According to STC, snow and ice are not harmful to synthetic turf products, and generally should be left to melt and drain off the system without assistance. At times, however, it is necessary to remove snow or ice to make the field playable for a scheduled event. The working principle of removing snow is to do so as near to game time as possible. This reduces the likelihood of new snow buildup and will reduce the risks of ice from cold winds whipping across a damp, newly cleared surface. Because ice removal is more difficult, the prevention of ice buildup is important.
Wet, sticky snow is more easily removed if pushed off the field using a snowplow covered with a half-round PVC pipe, secured to the blade with straps. Extreme care must be taken to avoid digging any blade into the surface! Even rubber-tipped snowplows may dig in. The PVC-covered blade may be mounted on a light tractor. The best blade configuration is one that sets the blade above the surface. This results in the blade “kissing” the surface and rolling the snow ahead of the blade. The snow itself will maintain contact with the surface. Avoid creating large snow piles. Leave 1/2” of snow on the field to melt on its own if at all possible.
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