The North Carolina and South Carolina chapters of the STMA and its partners are proud to present the Southeast Regional Sports Turf Conference & Trade Show, November 13,14, and 15 at The DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Hotel Myrtle Beach Oceanfront.
The room rate for this year will be $72 and is inclusive of the resort fee. This does not include tax!
Please book your rooms early!!! Last years room block sold out by October 1st. The link to book is here: If the link doesn’t work, please copy and paste into your browser.
Option 2: To book by phone, please call the reservation number at 1-800-774-1500 and reference GROUP CODE: STM. You must use the group code for our rate!
Please Support our Presenting Sponsors: Ewing Irrigation – Helena – Jacobsen, Tri-State Pump – John Deere, Revels /Greenville Turf – Toro, Smith Turf and Irrigation -Vereens Turf
Conference Education will be updated on a regular basis—Please Check Back Often
November 13-Monday:
11:00 am-until John Deere Golf/Sports Turf Presents-Carolinas’ Cup Golf Scholarship Fund Raiser
12:00 pm-4pm Tour/Advanced Workshop Myrtle Beach Pelicans
Ashley Wilkinson, Charles Granger, Luke Yoder, Bill Deacon, and Cory Russell
8:30 pm: Vereens Turf Products Presents – The Welcome Reception
November 14-Tuesday
7:00-8:00 Helena Chemical Co. Presents- Breakfast (3rd Floor- Springs Room)
8:30-10:00 Smith Turf and Irrigation Presents – General Session (2nd floor Conference Center- Carolina Room)
Tim VanLoo, STMA President 2017
Keynote Address-Greg Blake
Greg Blake is a renowned public speaker around the country speaking to numerous companies and organizations. After this presentation, be prepared to be motivated and more professional at your job within the sports turf industry. Get your career on the positive track!
10:00-12:00 * NEW TIME * Trade Show (Lower Conference Floor-Exhibit Hall)
12:00-1:00 Jacobsen and Tri-State Pump Presents – Sports Turf Annual Lunch (3rd Floor- Springs Room)
1:00-3:00 Smith Turf and Irrigation Presents – Breakout Sessions (1st Floor-Atlantic Rooms)
1-1:50: Interactive Sessions
Come listen to experts at all levels to discuss different sports field problems. Choose one of four different sports field areas. Learn about the challenges of maintaining different fields. Bring lots of questions and be prepared to share your experiences. These are interactive sessions geared to the audiences’ contributions. Audience participation is strongly encouraged!
Baseball-Greg Burgess, Patrick Coakley, Matt Parrott- (Atlantic Room A)
Football-Clark Cox, Tony Leonard, Scott Thompson (Atlantic Room C)
Soccer-Jimmy Simpson, Ryan Bjorn, Andrew Love (Atlantic Room B)
General Athletic Fields- Scott Stevens, Ian Christie (Atlantic Room D)
2-2:50 Roundtable Discussions
Installing a new field? Having trouble maintaining your equipment? Ever thought about not overseeding your bermudagrass fields in the fall? Are you dealing with high traffic and other non-sports related events at your facility? In this segment of the program come hear from experts on how to build a field, maintain your equipment, not overseeding bermudagrass, and dealing with high traffic/use of sports fields. Our experts will share their experiences, as well as answer questions from the audience.
Field Builders Panel-Chad Price, Nolan Thomas, Eric Holland (Atlantic Room A)
Reel/Equipment Maintenance-Chuck Dean (Atlantic Room B)
No Rye/No Problem-Scott Strickland, Ian Christie, Matt Parrott (Atlantic Room C)
High Traffic/Use sports fields – Shane Hohlbein, Patrick Coakley, Danny Losito (Atlantic Room D)
7:00: Ewing Irrigation Presents – Sports Turf Annual Social Gathering @ Damon’s Restaurant
(Less than 0.5 mi from the hotel) 2985 S Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Nov 15-Wednesday:
7:00-8:00 Helena Presents Continental Breakfast (Springs Room)
8:30-11:30 Smith Turf and Irrigation presents – Pesticide Education (2nd floor Conference Center- Carolina Room)
Pesticide education day! Come update your license and learn more about safe chemical use on fields. Earn credits at these three education sessions.
8:30-9:30 Nematodes bermudagrass – Dr. Jim Kerns
Over the past couple of years Nematodes have become a major issue in sports turf. These micro-organisms cause lots of damage that most managers don’t even realize before turf needs to be replaced. Come listen to this talk and learn how to diagnose Nematodes and get these organisms under control.
9:30-10:30 Using Plant Growth Regulators – Dr. Travis Gannon
Are you hesitant on using Plant Growth Regulators on your fields? Worry no more. Listen to this presentation to hear about the many uses and benefits of PGRs. Make PGRs a part of your maintenance program and learn how they can save you time and money.
10:30-11:30 Best Management Practices in bermudagrass-Dr. Bert McCarty
There are many different ways to manage your bermudagrass, just as coaches manage their teams that are playing on your field. Coaches strive to have the best team, just as you strive to have a great surface. Find out the best management practices for bermudagrasses, so the grasses will perform for you. Use chemicals to safely maintain your fields and achieve your goals.