Are you frustrated by sports announcers spouting incorrect facts about athletic fields? STMA has a solution — an easy-to-fill-out Event Fact Sheet Template — that you or your communication’s department can use to supply accurate and interesting information to the media.
The events that your facility hosts deserve recognition. Local newspapers, radio and television stations are interested, but you need to reach out and supply information to them. As you know, sports turf managers are in the event business. Whether you are preparing your field for your college’s football opener, a high school’s rival football game, or a weekend soccer tournament for dozens of out-of-town teams, hosting events provides tremendous value to your facility and to your community.
All media outlets have the names of their sports editors online. You can find their email addresses and send a personalized email with the Event Fact Sheet attached. Take a few minutes now to fill it out for your next event and garner the respect and recognition that you deserve. And, you’ll be educating sports editors and announcers in your community about the art and science of sports field management. The more they know, the better they can report it, and you will set yourself up as an expert resource for them.