After 28 years, Dr. John Cisar retired from the University of Florida at the rank of full professor. During his tenure in academia, he served many posts including coordinator of the University of Florida’s undergraduate turfgrass program. He has mentored and served on the committees of many M.S. (Master of Science) and Ph.D. graduate students. He began his academic career at the University of Florida – Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center in December 1986 as an Assistant Professor of Environmental Horticulture. His academic appointment was 70 percent extension and 30 percent research, but he has assembled an impressive record of research and outreach in the following areas: water quality, effluent irrigation on nutrient leaching, nitrogen and pesticide fate, turfgrass nutrition, irrigation efficiency, soil water repellency, soil amendments, evaluation of wetting agents, evaluation of plant health products, turfgrass physiology, bermudagrass and St. Augustinegrass evaluation and management, and much more. His work has been supported by the United States Golf Association Green Section, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), Florida Turfgrass Association, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Soil Science Society of America, and many other segments of the green industry. In addition to serving as an Editorial Advisor on warm season grasses for Turf News magazine since 2002 he also serves as Treasurer for the International Turfgrass Society.