Get even more for your money this season when you purchase Blindside herbicide from FMC Professional Solutions. Turf managers who act quickly can save $10.00 on every bottle of Blindside they purchase from May 1 through June 30, 2014. Even better? No forms are required on this instant rebate.
Blindside provides fast control or suppression of the most challenging postemergence weeds including doveweed, dollarweed and buttonweed, delivering visible results within a week. A dual-action herbicide, Blindside works through both foliar and root uptake to give faster control of more than 70 broadleaf weeds and sedges, including green kyllinga.
Approved for use on most turfgrasses, including St. Augustinegrass, Blindside may be applied to established turf areas including golf course fairways and roughs, athletic fields, and residential, commercial and institutional lawns. Blindside can even be applied in warmer temperatures without causing additional stress to turf, when applied according to label.
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