At its recent Technical Meeting, ASBA announced its officers and directors for the coming year. The new slate took its place at the conclusion of the meeting, held in San Antonio, Texas.
Dan Wright is the new Chairman of ASBA. Wright, who previously served as president of the Fields Division, has been active in the association on multiple levels, including serving on committees, speaking at meetings and working on projects. He is a Certified Field Builder (CFB) and was a member of the committee charged with revising and updating the ASBA publication, Sports Fields: A Construction and Maintenance Manual, which was recently published. He has also served multiple terms on the Awards Committee. Wright works with Sports Turf Company in Whitesburg, Georgia.
Other individuals elected or re-elected to positions on the board are as follows:
Tennis Division President: Pete Smith, CTCB (The CourtSMITHs, Toledo, OH)
Field Division President: Jim Catella, CFB, CTCB (Clark Companies, Delhi, NY)
Supplier Division President: Chris Rossi (Premier Concepts, Inc., Baltimore, MD)
Treasurer: Randy Futty (Connor SportCourt International, Charlottesville, VA)
Board of Directors members, Builder Division: Mike Edgerton, CTCB (Copeland Coatings, Inc., Nassau, NY), Matt Strom, CTCB (Leslie Coatings, Inc., Indianapolis, IN)
Supplier Directors: David Moxley, (Sportsfield Specialties, Inc., Delhi, NY) Art Tucker (California Sports Surfaces: A division of California Products Corporation, Andover, MA) Officers continuing on the Board of Directors in their current positions will be Track Division President Don Smith, CTB (Don Smith, CTB, LLC, LEED A-P, Denver, CO); Professional Division President Chris Sullivan (Verde Design, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) and Indoor Division President Randy Niese (Robbins Sports Surfaces, Cincinnati, OH).
Individuals continuing on the board in their current director positions include Ben Brooks (Patriot Court Systems, Inc., Houston, Texas), Kristoff Eldridge, CTB (Cape & Island Tennis & Track, Pocasset, Massachusetts), Linn Lower, CTCB (Lower Bros. Co., Inc., Birmingham, Alabama) and Ed Norton, RLA, ASLA (Holcombe Norton Partners, Birmingham, AL).
Mark Brogan, CTCB (Pro-Sport Construction, Devon, Pennsylvania) will remain on the board in the position of Past Chairman.
ASBA welcomes the interest of those who may be thinking of running for the Board of Directors, or who may be interested in becoming more involved with the association. Those who have questions may ask any current member of the board, or may contact ASBA headquarters.