Enter your Hydretain® comparison photos(s) in the 2014 Hydretain Photo Contest for a chance to win a Canon Rebel T3i Digital Camera Bundle. This grand prize bundle includes an image stabilizing telephoto lens, camera case and 8GB SD card. Contest entrants will also have a chance to win 2nd and 3rd place prizes along with monthly drawings.
Ecologel Solutions, LLC is looking for striking images that depict Hydretain results through side by side or before and after comparison photos. Photo submissions will be accepted from January 1st – September 30th, 2014. Photos taken prior the contest start date will be accepted. All photos entered will be placed in an online gallery with winners being chosen by popular vote next October.
Promotion for the contest officially began last week at the Green Industry and Equipment Expo (GIE+ EXPO). According to company President, Rick Irwin, the contest generated excitement amongst Hydretain users at the show. “One gentleman even pulled out his phone to share photos of a previous application that he plans to enter.”
Visit www.hydretain.com/contest-pr for additional contest details.
Ecologel Solutions, LLC is an Ocala, Florida-based manufacturing company specializing in the production of environmentally responsible solutions for the sports turf, landcare and agricultural markets. Ecologel’s products include technologies aimed at drought mitigation, water conservation and water management, dust control, plant nutrition, pond and lake treatments, and surface coatings.