Round Rock Express Head Groundskeeper Garrett Reddehase was named 2012 Pacific Coast League Sports Turf Manager of the Year. The award was voted on by the league's 16 field managers and umpires, and is judged based upon criteria such as pregame setup for batting practice and infield practice, preparation and maintenance of all areas of the playing surface for the game, and professionalism of the grounds crew.

Reddehase named PCL turf manager of the year

Round Rock Express Head Groundskeeper Garrett Reddehase was named 2012 Pacific Coast League Sports Turf Manager of the Year. The award was voted on by the league’s 16 field managers and umpires, and is judged based upon criteria such as pregame setup for batting practice and infield practice, preparation and maintenance of all areas of the playing surface for the game, and professionalism of the grounds crew.

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