Arysta LifeScience North America, LLC announced that XONERATETM Herbicide (active ingredient: Amicarbazone) has received federal approval from the EPA for use on turf grasses providing control of Poa annua.
Poa annua is one of the most troublesome winter-annual grassy weeds on golf courses that is most difficult to control in creeping bentgrass1. Each plant produces between 1,000 to 2,250 seeds in a season that can easily spread from equipment, human or animal contact.
XONERATE contains the active ingredient Amicarbazone in a water-dispersible granule formulation. XONERATE is absorbed by leaves and roots for systemic control of Poa annua and inhibits photosynthesis in sensitive plants by interfering with normal electron transport. Poa annua initially looses its color, then turns brown. Turfgrass managers will see control of Poa annua over a three- to four-week period.
“Numerous university and co-operator field trials have been conducted over the past five years,” says Doug Houseworth, Ph.D., turf and ornamental technical manager for Arysta LifeScience. “The trials looked at XONERATE in diverse geographic areas, under a wide range of climatic and turfgrass conditions, and the results were beyond our expectations. The trials found XONERATE to be 90 percent effective in controlling Poa annua – more than any product currently on the market3.”
“XONERATE is proving to be an effective tool for golf course superintendents and the elimination of Poa annua,” says Michael Maravich, Turf &Ornamental marketing and product manager for Arysta LifeScience. “Over time, superintendents may see a cost and time savings with XONERATE, since it provides greater application flexibility resulting in reduced labor from less frequent mowings, and reduced use of fungicides, insecticides and plant growth regulators.”
1 USGA Green Section Record, The Continuing Saga of Poa annua May/June 1987
2 Rates and applications will vary by turf type and geography
3 Grounds Maintenance, Controlling Poa annua in bent grass greens by Bert McCarty,
Clemson University, December 22, 2011