Velocity herbicide has been approved by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation for use on Poa annua and Poa trivialis in the state's bentgrass tees and fairways.

Velocity herbicide registered for New York turf

Velocity Herbicide has been approved by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation for use on Poa annua and Poa trivialis in the state’s bentgrass tees and fairways.

Velocity brings New York golf course superintendents a more effective and consistent method to gradually transition a Poa-dominated stand of turf to pure bentgrass.

“Historically, New York superintendents had to tolerate Poa on their golf courses,” said Dr. Jason Fausey, regional field development manager for Valent Professional Products. “Velocity can help them effectively transition Poa off their course over time with little to no disruption to the course.”

For a Velocity transition program in New York, Fausey recommends golf course superintendents apply a 2 oz/A spray of Velocity once a month over the course’s growing season until the average daily air temperature drops below 65°F.

“This transitional program is easy to manage and incorporate and will set you up for a really nice decline in Poa by the following spring,” Fausey said.

Velocity comes in a convenient 1-lb bottle, and the new 17.6% SG formulation makes it easy to measure and apply the amount of product needed to slowly eliminate Poa annua and Poa trivialis in turf.

In addition to Poa, Velocity also suppresses dollar spot and selectively controls broadleaf weeds.

With its registration in New York, Velocity is now approved for use in all states (except Alaska).

For more information on Velocity, and to watch an online training video, please visit