LebanonTurf has reached an agreement with Nutrient Technology Partners to produce products containing NutriLife, a proprietary fertilizer catalyst, for distribution in the Northeast and Midwest.
NutriLife, which is specially formulated for impregnation on dry fertilizers or blending with liquid fertilizer products, increases fertilizer efficiency, strengthens plants’ root systems and magnifies the performance of any nutrient application.
“NutriLife helps superintendents produce the kind of turf they’re expected to produce while using less fertilizer,” said Dave Heegard, vice president and general manager of LebanonTurf. “It’s a way to get maximum return from every fertilizer dollar in their budget.”
NutriLife, which can be added to any fertilizer, has been shown to reduce nutrient rates by as much as 25 percent without a drop in plant performance while increasing root depth and mass, according to Heegard.
“The demands on today’s superintendents have led to the use of increased nutrients delivered through additional fertilization,” Heegard said. “But the real key to healthier turf and improved conditions is getting more nutrients into the plant, not just the soil, and that is what NutriLife does with great efficiency.”
University research and field tests have demonstrated the efficacy of NutriLife. “Our trials over three years have shown that we can reduce the nitrogen required to grow quality turfgrass by 25 percent or more,” said Dr. Frank Rossi of Cornell University.