A new formulation of Chipco Signature fungicide is now available for use in turf, Bayer Environmental Science recently announced. The new formulation has a larger granule and is less dusty than the current formulation.

New formulation of Chipco Signature now available

“Both the new and the previous formulations of Chipco Signature are 80 percent concentrate formulations, so there is no need to change rates used on golf course, sod or sports turf,” said Richard Rees, fungicide development manager for Bayer. “The new formulation is easier to handle, disperses easily in water and provides improved turf response.”

Chipco Signature, with StressGard technology, is a systemic product. It is registered for use in a seasonal program for control of Pythium diseases on golf course turf, sod farms and sports turf. Chipco Signature improves turf quality and inhibits fungal growth and development, providing protection against anthracnose, summer turfgrass decline and bentgrass deadspot, among other diseases.

“Signature stimulates the production of phytoalexins, which are ‘natural pesticides’ produced by the plant,” explained Rees. “It helps maintain carbohydrate, protein and natural pigment levels in plant tissues, which helps turfgrass better survive periods of stress. Finally, Signature stimulates the production of mycorrhizae, which improve the plant’s growth and health.”

In recent research comparing the new formulation, Signature 80 WDG, with the previous formulation, Signature 80 WP, the new formulation resulted in better turf quality when used in a spray program. Image analysis showed that a darker green color can be obtained with the new formulation.
