Latham, NY-NYSTA President Owen Regan receives a copy of “Sports Field Management” from Joann Gruttadaurio, former Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University.  The New York State Turfgrass Association (NYSTA) is pleased to announce that a practical guide to sports turf maintenance is now available.  “Sports Field Management,” written by Joann Gruttadaurio, Executive Director of the Sports Turf Managers of New York and former Senior Extension Associate at Cornell University, is a hands-on manual for turf professionals who manage scholastic and community high-use sports fields.  

New sports turf management book from NYSTA

It provides valuable information on how to maintain safe sports fields to maximize player safety and performance.  Practices that affect turf health, seasonal management calendars, and strategies to minimize negative environmental impact are also covered.   

Gruttadaurio worked for nearly 34 years at Cornell University and was a member of the Turf Team in the Horticulture Department.  She received a grant for the project in 2005 from the New York Turfgrass Foundation, an endowment fund established between NYSTA and Cornell University to ensure the future of the turfgrass industry.  This educational guidebook is a culmination of her years of experience developing programs and short courses for commercial turfgrass professionals.  It includes information on routine maintenance practices, management programs, turf challenges and decisions, frequently asked questions, and sport turf management resources.  In addition, a useful sports field assessment sheet is provided with a rating system to help sports turf professionals decide if they should continue current management practices or reassess their management programs.  Illustrations, photos and tables provide clear and concise information on how to promote best management practices for sports field maintenance.

Single issues of “Sports Field Management” can be purchased on the NYSTA web site

The New York State Turfgrass Association is comprised of green industry professionals who have joined together to promote best management practices, environmental stewardship, support education, advance research and disseminate research findings.  For additional information, please contact NYSTA at (518) 783-1229, fax (518) 783-1258 or email