Clegg Impact Tester app

Clegg Impact Tester app

Turf-Tec International announced that the newly released Clegg Impact Tester app for Android and iOS allows users to wirelessly connect the FieldScout TDR350 Moisture Sensor or the Mascaro Infill Cleat Depth Tester. For natural grass areas, this will allow users to receive Gmax readings by Bluetooth from the Clegg, as well as moisture readings from the TDR350 as you test surface areas. For synthetic turf surfaces, you can also receive Gmax readings by Bluetooth from the Clegg, as well as infill depth readings from the Mascaro Infill Cleat Depth Tester on areas tested. The app also GPS maps these readings, and allows exporting into .CVS format for recording and reporting purposes.

Additional information can be found at