SFMA continues to provide education from its industry experts for following the conference. Every Tuesday at 2 pm EST and 3:15 pm EST SFMA will host a session. Be sure to register for each session so you do not miss these learning opportunities.
2-3 p.m.
From Cornfield to a College Football Field
Tom Gould – Iowa State University, Adam Thoms, Ph.D. – Iowa State University, Josh Tvrdik – Iowa State Athletics Department
Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a1n2jme6RPymbMefvGaxlg
This presentation will cover how Iowa State University grew their own sand-based football field on a cornfield near the college. We will discuss how the ISU Athletic Department supported student education by funding students and giving them turfgrass management experience during this project. We will also discuss all of the steps to go from a cornfield to a sand-based sod to installing and maintaining the new playing surface on MidAmerican Field at Jack Trice Stadium. This presentation will cover sand selection, cultivar decisions, fertility and herbicides used as well as steps to care for the field such as mowing height and frequency. Finally, we will present how the field played during its first season in action.
Attendees will learn:
- Practical application of proper sand/sod selection.
- How to recruit future turfgrass managers with unique projects like this.
- Fertility program examples for growing in a sand-based athletic field.
3:15-4:15 pm
What is Organic Sports Field and Grounds Management?
Brad Park – Rutgers University
Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HzQ4gge8TTGnGnH1WOXoSg
The objective of this presentation is to describe various management systems employed in turfgrass with emphasis on organic turfgrass management. United States Department of Agriculture National Organic Program (USDA NOP) and Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)-derived principles will be used as the basis for the description of organic sports fields and grounds management.
Presentation objectives include:
- The attendee will be able to differentiate calendar-based preventative turfgrass programs, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), synthetic pesticide free management, and organic turfgrass management systems.
- Per USDA NOP and OMRI guidelines, the attendee will be able to recognize materials that qualify for use in organic sports field and grounds management systems.
- Case studies will be described to provide the attendee with examples of how various management systems have been implemented in public sports field and grounds scenarios.