SFMA’s yearly committee volunteer opportunity has been underway. Members are asked to volunteer during early February; next, President James Bergdoll, CSFM, appoints chairs and places volunteers, and then work starts on March 1. Each committee has a yearly “charge.” Some committee charges do not change, such as the Nominating Committee; other committees change yearly to address SFMA’s strategic direction. The 2022 SFMA committee charges and committee members are as follows:
Advocacy: To recommend outreach efforts to advance the profession and highlight the work of the sports field manager. A specific goal for this year is to promote a video about the profession to groups that would benefit to know about those responsible for field safety and management.
Chair: Jeremy Driscoll, CSFM.
Members: Caleb Bryan; Darren Criswell; Jesse Driver, CSFM; Alan Dungey, CSFM; Keith Fisher; Amy Fouty, CSFM; Frederick Johnson; Megan Kruger; Stephen Lord, CSFM; Lizandra Macias; Maritza Martinez; Brent Neighbor, CSFM; Andy Ommen, CSFM; Rick Perruzzi, CSFM; Craig Sampsell, CSFM.
Awards: To judge the association’s awards program applicants, selecting the Field of the Year winners; to develop strategies to enhance the program.
Co-chairs: Brad Thedens, CSFM and Jason DeMink, CSFM.
Members: Jaxon Bailey, CSFM; Grant Davisson; Glenn Lucas; Andrew Marking; Carter Metclaf; Trevor Odders, CSFM; Patrick O’Mara; Steve Ruckman, CSFM; David Shurmur; Brett Teel; Rob Walls; Chris Webb, CSFM; Doug Wildt, CSFM.
Bylaws: To develop association bylaws, which are fair and enforceable, and clearly define the expectations for membership, governance processes and board of director’s service. This Committee may or may not need to address bylaws yearly; dependent upon board actions that may affect the bylaws language. Committee to be appointed if bylaws need to be addressed.
Certification: To develop strategies to grow the number of certified members; to consistently monitor the program and recommend enhancements to ensure that the program is the top achievement for sports field managers.
Co-Chairs: Brian Bornino, CSFM and Jason DeMink, CSFM.
Members: Jake Holloway, CSFM; Ron Hostick, CSFM; Eddie Harbaugh, CSFM; Nate Miller, CSFM; Steve Peeler, CSFM; Rick Perruzzi, CSFM; Don Savard, CSFM; Craig Sampsell, CSFM; Derek York, CSFM.
Certification Review Panels: (CSFM Members Only) To consider alleged violations of any Application or Certification Standard. Members may be assigned to one of three panels as needed. (These panels are called into operation only if there is a concern of possible violation).
Chapter Relations: To create a chapter structure that is beneficial locally and nationally; to financially assist chapters with their administrative, operations and educational efforts; to facilitate the sharing of best practices; to utilize the chapter structure to effectively deliver services.
Chair: Jason Bowers, CSFM.
Members: Noah Bard; John Clintsman; Christian Galen; Kevin Lebanik; Travis Sales; Kyle Slaton, CSFM; Ian Stringer; Bruce Suddeth, CSFM; Lee Van Meeteren; Josh Wallis.
Commercial Advisory Council: To provide a forum to exchange ideas on how SFMA can better serve and engage its commercial members, and how this segment can help to advance the association; to develop strategies to engage commercial members in the annual exhibition and provide value for doing so.
Chair: Paula Sliefert.
Members: Peter Auth, CSFM; Chris Bell; Elton Chapman; Chris Franks; Paul Hollis; Ken Newcomb; Doug Schattinger; David Taylor; Brian Winka, CSFM.
Conference Education: To develop all content, sessions and workshops and select speakers and moderators for the next year’s conference that will make it a “must attend” event for members and nonmembers; to recommend strategies that will drive attendance to the exhibition and will add value to exhibitors.
Chair: Adam Thoms, Ph.D.
Members: Jason Allen, CSFM; Ryan Bjorn; Leah Brilman, Ph.D.; Jason Campbell; Tyler Carr; Ryan DeMay, CSFM; Weston Floyd, CSFM; Wes Ganobcik; Thomas Gould; Mike Hebrard; Gerald Henry, Ph.D.; Chris Hohnstrater, CSFM; Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D.; Brad Jakubowski; Joe Kovolyan, CSFM; Nicholas McKenna, CSFM; Gregg Munshaw, Ph.D.; Brad Park; John Sorochan, Ph.D.; Joey Stevenson; Chase Straw, Ph.D.; Peter Thibeault, CSFM; Alan Wilson, CSFM; Keith Winter.
Conference Tours: To select and organize off-site tours at the annual conference site.
Chair: Jamie Mehringer.
Members: Mark Bajno, CSFM; Dan Farnes; James Gish, CSFM; Michael Hales, CSFM; Lorenzo Lopez, CSFM; Tony Strickland, CSFM; Joe Traficano; Glenl Wear, CSFM; Mike Hebrard; Nicholas McKenna, CSFM; Joey Stevenson; John Mascaro.
Conference Bowling: To organize the aspects of the SAFE Foundation Bowling Fundraiser. (To be appointed as needed).
Editorial: To ensure that the SFMA magazine contains information relevant to the sports field manager; to provide ideas and contacts for articles for publication.
Co-Chairs: Brad Thedens, CSFM and Adam Thoms, Ph.D.
Editor: John Kmitta.
Members: T.J. Brewer, CSFM; Joe Churchill; Charles Fontanier, Ph.D.; Eric Harshman; Forrest Jammer; Cody McKee; Kieran O’Donnell; Eric Roberts, CSFM; Kelly Rensel, CSFM; Chase Straw, Ph.D.; Adam Webb.
Environmental: To develop environmental strategies that position SFMA and its members as leaders in environmental stewardship and the related health and safety issues that impact fans and players.
Co-chairs: Vickie Wallace and Zack Holm, CSFM.
Board Liaison: Jason Bowers, CSFM.
Members: Andrew Beggs, CSFM; Richard Calarco, CSFM; Joe Churchill; Kyley Dickson, Ph.D.; Matthew Duncan, CSFM; Warren Gorowitz; Susan Haddock; Greg Hatcher; Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D.; Jason Kruse, Ph.D.; Mason McMurphy; Pat O’Connor, CSFM; Ben Polimer; Michael Sabin; John Turnour, CSFM.
Ethics: To provide a fair and unbiased council to investigate claims of ethics violations, and shepherd the appeals process, as necessary. (This committee is called into operation only if there is an ethics violation claim).
Finance & Audit: To provide oversight of the SFMA’s financial resources by reporting information to the SFMA Board of Directors.
Chairman: Dan Bergstrom, CSFM.
Members: Clark Cox, CSFM; Joe Kelich; Jimmy Simpson, CSFM; Tim VanLoo, CSFM; David Pinsonneault, CSFM; Josh McPherson, CSFM; Boyd Montgomery, CSFM.
Historical: To preserve the history of the association and the profession.
Chairman: John Mascaro.
Members: Tom Burns; Mark Clay; Tom Curran; Sam Doak; Ryan Ferguson; Stephen Guise; Rich Moffitt; Mike Schiller, CSFM, Ret.; John Souter; Steve Wightman
Information Outreach (Learning Initiatives): To develop educational and informational opportunities for members to enhance their personal and professional development.
Chair: Alpha Jones, CSFM.
Members: Conlan Burbrink; Joshua Carter; Ambika Chandra; Alexander Gannon; Mike Goatley, Ph.D.; Tim Howe; Robbie Miller; Marc Moran, CSFM; Cameron Richardson; Daniel Sandor; Matthew Tobin.
Innovative Awards Judging: To judge the Innovative Awards program, ensure a fair judging process, and enhance the program as necessary.
Chair: Dan Bergstrom, CSFM.
Members: Jason Craft, CSFM; Scott Dobbins, CSFM; Amanda Folck; Leanne Nadwidny; Daniel Thomas, CSFM; Scott Wohlers.
International: To position SFMA as a global leader in sports facility management and make SFMA the “go-to” resource for those who work internationally in the industry.
Members: Jose Maria Aldrete; Andre Amaral; Weston Appelfeller, CSFM; Pat Galavan; Michael Long, CSFM; Abayomi Omotayo; Sebastian Ruggieri; John Schedler; Joe Breedon, CSFM; Abby McNeal, CSFM; Murray Cook; Don Scholl, CSFM; John Sorochan, Ph.D.
MiLB Task Group:
Chair: Alpha Jones, CSFM.
Members: Chris Ball, CSFM; Tom Burns; Larry DiVito, CSFM; Dan Douglas; Wes Ganobcik; Andy Gossel; Steve Lord, CSFM; Evan Mascitti; Nick McKenna, CSFM; Matt Parrott; Kelly Rensel, CSFM; Ray Sayre, CSFM; Nicole Sherry; Brian Soukup; Adam Thoms, Ph.D.; Jordan Treadway; John Turnour, CSFM; Keith Winter.
Membership: To develop initiatives to drive membership growth and retention; to recommend programs that add value for each member.
Chair: Jaimie Mehringer.
Members: Robert Blake;, Noel Brusius, CSFM; Winston James, CSFM; Chad Mazie; Debbie Savard; Brandt Thacker; Timothy Siegel.
Nominating: The Immediate Past President chairs this committee and selects its members. It must have representation from each category of membership and starts its work in June.
Past President’s Advisory Council: To advise the SFMA Board on issues pertaining to the past, present and future of SFMA. (Limited to SFMA Past Presidents).
Scholarship: To judge the recipients of the SAFE Scholarships, the Terry Mellor Educational Grant, the Gary Vandenberg Internship Grant, the Darian Daily Legacy Scholarship, and the Leo Goertz Membership Grant; to develop strategies to enhance these programs and evaluate new opportunities.
Chair: Nicole Sherry.
Members: Joe Breedon, CSFM; Gary Dickinson; Dan Douglas; Ken Edwards, CSFM; William Pipp, CSFM; Chrissie Segars, Ph.D.; Grant Spear, CSFM; Alexander Steinman.
Student Challenge: To develop the annual student challenge exam protocols and assist in proctoring the exam as needed.
Chair: Sarah Martin, CSFM.
Members: Syed Ahmed; Matt Anderson, CSFM; Scott Bills, CSFM; Leah Brilman, Ph.D.; Tanner Delvalle; Samuel Doak; Tony Koski, Ph.D.; Marc Moran, CSFM; Chrissie Segars, Ph.D.; JW Stamps, Jr., CSFM; Kevin White, CSFM; Gregg Munshaw, Ph.D.
Technical Standards: To help determine standards and best management practices needed in the profession; to guide the work of ASTM on developing sports field and facility standards. On hiatus in 2022.
Technology Team (Website, Social Media): To oversee SFMA’s communication platforms to ensure they are current, cohesive and serve members’ needs; to ensure members are educated on the latest communication technology.
Chair: Wes Ganobcik.
Members: Christopher “CJ” Buck; Ryan DeMay, CSFM; Joshua Jans; Cassie Reed; Doug Schattinger; Zach Willard.