The National Turfgrass Federation is applying for a USDA grant (Specialty Crop Multi-State) to conduct a national, regional turf statistics study. To further support this application, letters are needed from other organizations, companies, individuals, etc. Please consider writing a support letter using the support letter template.
Please edit, complete, print on letterhead, sign, scan and email back to Kevin Morris, president of National Turfgrass Federation, Inc., Deadline is November 12.
Additional information about the grant:
Title: A National Turfgrass Industry Survey: Size, Impact and Potential for Economic Growth and Future Workforce Development
Surveys for food, fiber, and fuel commodities (e.g. corn, soybeans, cotton, etc.) are commonplace and used as benchmarking tools to assess important current and future needs. As U.S. population growth continues, this directly impacts land-use patterns. Traditional crop areas are replaced by the “built environment” and the dominant vegetation becomes turfgrass. A comprehensive national survey of U.S. turfgrass acreage and its economic contributions has never been attempted. This survey is essential to understand the size, scope, and economic impact of turfgrass. This data is critical in allocating federal and state funding, supporting basic and applied research projects, industry marketing and promotion activities, workforce development, and other important functions of a vibrant industry.
This project uses a three-phase approach to collect and disseminate national, regional and state information. In Phase I a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) and web-based resources will be used to determine turfgrass land areas and categorize use such as lawns, roadsides, or athletic fields. In Phases II and III, surveys developed from Phase I data will be distributed to property owners and professional turf managers to validate land use/acreage data, determine economic impact and land use-valuation, and assess workforce needs and growth opportunities. These data will be tabulated nationally and subdivided by state to assess state and regional growth opportunities. A report will be compiled containing summary data and interpretation. This information will be disseminated at scientific/industry meetings, published in popular and scientific articles as well as through social media.