Arborjet Inc. has developed a proven and effective treatment solution to help mitigate the Spotted Lanternfly. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, this invasive pest “could be the most destructive species in 150 years.” Native to Asia, the brightly colored planthopper was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. Established populations are now found in Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, and the pest has been identified in Massachusetts, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Vermont, with bordering states now on high alert.
The Spotted Lanternfly nymphs will feed on a wide range of over 100 different plant species, including grape, hops, grasses and fruit trees, while adults prefer to feed on trees, particularly Tree of Heaven, walnut, maple, birch, and others, posing a serious threat to agriculture and tourism. The pest sucks the sap from plants and trees and produces a sticky residue called honeydew, which promotes sooty mold growth. People moving infested materials have aided its rapid spread. Adults lay 1-inch-long egg masses in the fall on nearly anything from tree trunks and rocks to vehicles and firewood. With no native predator, the Spotted Lanternfly population has flourished.
To treat trees for the Spotted Lanternfly, professional applicators apply a systemic micro-injectable product IMA-jet.
“In field trials, this treatment proved successful in eliminating the pest from the host tree and reducing honeydew and sooty mold production and egg masses,” said Don Grosman Ph. D., technology advancement manager and entomologist at Arborjet.